Monday, August 22, 2011

No this is not an update

This is a cleverly (or not so cleverly) hidden note to myself and anyone else who might be able to help me.

My computer has decided to give up the ghost on Saturday that just passed.  From my friend's assessment via the phone, the motherboard has crashed which may or may not mean my hard drive will have to be reformatted, possibly before I get anything off of it.

Some of the sims I actually did save some of my sims previously (I wish I had managed to get a lot more).

Adam Winchester (already dead), Annie Winchester (dead), Benjamin Winchester, Bethany McCarthy (dead), Brandon McCarthy (dead), Cheryl Winchester, Catherine Thayer, Chris McCarthy, Christina Zappa, Craig McCarthy, Drake Thayer, Holly Bendett and Maddie McCarthy, Jaanai Ross, Laurel Chalmers, Rachael Chalmers, Teneesha Ross, Damien Ross, Davis Chalmers, the Li family (not including the new baby Liam)

I'm missing some of my favorites like Carrie and AJ, Claudio and the new baby on the way (baby never got a chance to even be born in game)

At the very least, I have my tracking system established, which I really like.  I'm planning on keeping the Maxis Match-ish hair

Eyes: Jess the Ex from LJ
Skintone: Pooklet, the one with like 55 shades

BV Travel Photos with the multiple sizes
Posters from either base, Uni or NL that have slid down the wall
Blakeboy's Modular Sofas

Hacks Needed:
Stuff from Simlogical, which I believe has closed now.
Cyjon Hacks
Pescado's Hacks from MATY
Sim Blender (I need a link for this one because apparently the site is convinced that this computer has a virus and refuses to let me in)
New College Scholarships by jfade@MATY (new to me)
Look at Me Hack by maybesomethingdunno @MTS
Freezer Clock by Treeag @MTS
Greener Grass Mod
Posebox List

I'm going to have to go on Custom Content Hunt (yay for being able to start from scratch for the downloads folder).

Does anyone know if it's safe to put Bodyshop items like skintones and eyes (both genetic and default) in the Saved Sims folder?

Any suggestions for good facial templates?  Not necessarily too far off the Maxis templates by the face with the nose squashed against the face that is almost as wide as the face has to go!

There is some one out there on either LJ or DW (or maybe even blogger) that has a vast collection of neighbourhood objects but I can't remember who (not criquette from MTS).  Anyone know where to find it?

So the big question is, if the Winchester Isle is gone, should I start a completely new neighbourhood or try to come up with a plausible reason why a neighbourhood of 88 sims has been downgraded to 19 sims with majority of the children sims completely gone.

Thanks for your help Carla

I was able to check my iPod and found that I do have a copy of Winchester Isle from April, including downloads, camera configurations and userstartup.cheats.  Just have to wait until the computer can get fixed.  I'm going to have to redo some work like changing my default and genetic skins and eyes again and changing the skintones and eyes of certain sims to work with it.  Less work for later :D

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope wiping the hard drive is just a worst case scenario and not what will have to be done.

    I can help with some of these hacks though. SimLogical is not closed:

    All the stuff you need should be there.

    I don't have a link on hand but SimBlender, InTeen and ACR are all hosted at Simbology. I think I have a link to Insimenator in the hacks post at my blog as well.
